How to break into the film industry as a freelancer or independent contractor

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The film industry is an exciting and lucrative career path for those who are willing to put in the work and dedication. Whether you are looking to break into the industry as a freelancer or an independent contractor, there are a few key things to know in order to be successful. In this blog, we will cover the steps you can take to make your way into the film industry, from creating a portfolio to finding jobs.

What You Need To Get Started

The first thing to consider when breaking into the film industry is what you need to get started. Depending on the type of film you are looking to produce, you may need to invest in some equipment. You’ll need a camera, lights, and other equipment that will allow you to capture quality footage. Additionally, you may need to invest in editing software or rent out a studio space.

Creating a Portfolio

If you want to be taken seriously as a freelancer or independent contractor in the film industry, you’ll need to create a portfolio. This portfolio should contain your best work and highlight any awards or accolades you’ve earned. You should also include any relevant experience or training, such as classes or workshops you’ve attended. Having a portfolio will help people get an idea of the type of work you can do and will help you stand out from the competition.


Networking is key when it comes to breaking into the film industry. You should attend film festivals and industry events to meet others in the business. You should also create a website or social media accounts to showcase your work and make connections. Additionally, you should reach out to people who have already made it in the film industry and ask for advice.

Finding Jobs

Once you’ve established yourself in the industry, you’ll need to start looking for jobs. You can start by searching online job boards, such as Craigslist or Indeed. You may also want to reach out to production companies or post-production houses to see if they have any openings. Additionally, you can look for freelance gigs on sites such as Upwork or Fiverr.


Breaking into the film industry as a freelancer or independent contractor can be a difficult but rewarding experience. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can increase your chances of success and make your dreams of working in the film industry a reality. With the right resources, dedication, and hard work, you can make it in the film industry.

Written by
Isaac Song